About Us

Federation of Indigenous People in America was established in 2005 in the city of New York by Indigenous People (Janajatis) of Nepal living in America. The main goal of FIPNA is to preserve the indigenous culture, language, religion, dress and heritage here in America and in Nepal. In the context of changing political landscape in Nepal FIPNA is vigorously working to secure the rights of Indigenous People living in Nepal as stipulated in the UN Declaration on Rights of Indigenous Peoples - 2007 and ILO 169 which is ratified by the Government of Nepal. Nepal is a land of indigenous people and FIPNA believes that these people must have a fair access to all the opportunities and equal rights to all the resources available.
FIPNA would always fight for the welfare of indigenous people of Nepal. FIPNA would welcome help from all corners in this endeavor. FIPNA would extend its support to all organizations or coalition of organiztions or individuals that believes and works for the benefit of indigenous peoples and preservation of their rights.
Our Vision
Raise public awareness about the issues facing Indigenous Peoples of Nepal through advocacy, education, research, publication, and public forum debates. Support the peaceful movement of the Indigenous Peoples in Nepal for inclusive democracy, secular state, and ethnic, linguistic and regional autonomy. Ensure the effective implementation of the international laws and declarations related to the Indigenous Peoples such as ILO convention 169 and UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Promote the causes of Indigenous Peoples of Nepal in the international forums and build support from the international organizations, institutions, leaders, rights activists, and the academics.
Our Mission
Facilitate cooperation and regular interactions amongst the Adivasi Janjati organizations and individuals in America. Support the member Adivasi Janjati organizations in preserving and promoting our indigenous cultural heritages. Develop leadership skills among the Adivasi Janjati community leaders, volunteers and youths through workshops and mentoring programs. Promote the value of higher education, volunteering, and philanthropy among the Adivasi Janjati Peoples. Empower Adivasi Janjati Peoples of Nepal in America through workshops on education, health, immigration, housing, employment skills etc. Contribute to the development of Nepal with priority on the development of the endangered and highly marginalized Indigenous Peoples of Nepal. Promote cooperation and harmony with other Nepali organizations and individuals for the benefit of Nepali Diaspora in America. Work for a better understanding and friendly relationship between the peoples of America and Nepal.